Robyn Mor-Bagshaw

Robyn Mor-Bagshaw, M.Ed. is a devoted educator, Infant Development Consultant, and sensory-motor therapist. She is a consultant to educational institutions and has created and facilitated interactive presentations: Learning Made Easy, Introduction to Brain Gym®, and Physical Activities That Increase Learning, as well as an ongoing series of classes for parents and babies, called Smart Moves. Her Master’s thesis linked the benefits of physical activity with learning and wellness for her Masters of Education in Counselling Psychology degree. She has taught for over 20 years as an Inclusion Support Teacher and teacher-counsellor in the Sooke and Nanaimo School Districts and as a remedial tutor at a non-profit organization.
Robyn holds professional memberships in the Canadian Association of Specialized Kinesiology (CanBeWell), and the British Columbia College of Teachers. In her previous role as the Learning Assistance/Inclusion Support Teacher at her school, she co-developed and facilitated Sensory-Motor groups (based on the Masgutova Method) for special needs students and students with learning challenges. She has volunteered and worked at the International Dr. Svetlana Masgutova Institute and Special Needs Camps, in Canada (2008), USA (2006), Poland (2005 – 2006) and Singapore (2008).
Robyn is a caring therapist and educator who has great enthusiasm for helping others benefit from her knowledge and training.