Physical & Sensory Skills
What Are Physical And Sensory Skills?
This is the foundational piece of learning. Just like a well-built house has a solid foundation, these programs are the foundational skills which are developed in the early years and are needed for higher level cognitive and academic learning. Integrating reflexes, building body awareness and control, developing vision and increasing attention, are the physical and sensory skills underlying academic achievement and result in more efficient learning.

The Physical and Sensory Programs We Use:
MNRI® Reflex Integration and Rhythmic Movement Training® (RMT), Quantum Reflex Integration ® (QRI), and Brain Gym®, are based on the science that movement is a key to learning. The Neurodevelopmental movements that these programs are based upon enable us to access those parts of our brain that have previously been blocked for many varying reasons (i.e. emotional stress, allergies, and learning difficulties just to name a few).
Reflexes are some of the basic building blocks of learning and all babies moves through these patterns in infancy and toddlerhood. The retention of infant reflexes contributes to learning and behavioural problems in childhood and adulthood, such as learning disabilities, hyperactivity, poor memory, concentration, and coordination. MNRI® Reflex Repatterning techniques, RMT ®, QRI ® and Brain Gym® are used to increase the brain-body’s communication to improve the processing of sensory information. As a result, learning becomes easier!
Playful games and repatterning movements as well as the balance board, and Brain Gym® exercises are used to reinforce and activate the neurodevelopmental movements that the child or adult is relearning.
Learning & Gravity, & Balance is a series of activities created by Beverly Hunter, Brain Gym® instructor, aimed at developing the vestibular system and vision through activities on a balance board. Working with the balance board in combination with vision exercises can strengthen the visual system. Some of the outcomes include increased visual memory, eye tracking, eye/hand coordination, spatial awareness, eye teaming, and visual-spatial processing. Underlying reflex patterns are integrated during this program as well.

Retrain the Brain is a multi-sensory therapeutic handwriting program. The graphomotor exercises are combined with music and increase fine motor and writing skills. As well, the program works with both hemispheres of the brain to develop impulse control, attention and increasing one’s ability to regulate emotions.